Who We Are
What we do
Thinking about joining a photographic club?
Then why not give Ludlow Photographic Club a try.
Our emphasis is on the photographs we make not on the equipment that is used to create them. Whatever camera you have from a mobile phone to the latest mirrorless digital or film camera is capable of creating fabulous images. If you do not yet have a camera we can help you make a choice that works for you and gets you on the path to making WOW! images.
Whatever your interest in subject matter you will find kindred spirits in our small but enthusiastic membership.
You will have the opportunity to learn from a wide range of visiting often award winning specialist speakers, to hear critiques of your work from very experienced judges, at our competitions, whose opinions usually generate a lot of heated discussion in the pub afterwards and to show your work to the wider public at our annual exhibition.
We all need to remind ourselves that deciding what comprises a high quality image is a subjective matter.
The club meets at Upper Room, Ludlow Methodist Church, Broad Street, Ludlow, SY8 1NH at 19:30. A lift is available to aid access.
We organise a monthly day long photo meet to varied interesting locations and also once or twice a year a three to four day trip to a more distant location.
The annual membership fee is £40 due in January with a £3 fee due on the door for each event at the church.
There is no charge for attendance at your first two club meetings so you can a chance to test the waters without needing to make any upfront commitment.
Non members are welcome to attend our events.